On Saturday 13 January 2007 09:01, R Lists06 wrote:
> Also, please note the modules that are not active or found in the install
> below during the SA update
> Would installing them just be plug and play and they start working or do I
> search them out individually too and their activation configs etc?

So how did you install in the first place?

Yes, installing these would cause them to start working.

I recommend installing using CPAN, as it is portable, reliable, 
picks up its pre-requsites very well and you are not dependent
on some Distro specific packager.

If you have the latest distro specific package installed, running
CPAN will overlay it with the latest standard version and your
package management software will be none the wiser.

There are only a very few subtle things you must look out for
when overlaying your disto packages with CPAN, namely where
spamd is stored.  (Suse has its own idea of where things get stored).

I always install SA from Cpan, but sometimes I will install the distro
package first to get all the pre-requisite  perl modules installed.

John Andersen

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