Mike Kenny wrote:
As I understand the situation when using amavis/spamassassin/postfix the flow of a messages is that it is received by postfix, passed to amavisd, from there to clamav, then to spamassassin and then back to postfix. My questions are:

1. is this correct?
2. if I change spamassasin's local.cf <http://local.cf> or user_prefs, what needs to be restarted and in what sequence/ 3. if I change amavisd.conf what needs restarting/reloading, etc and in what sequence?

amavisd-new loads the spamassassin perl modules itself, if you are running amavisd-new you don't need to run spamd.

Restarting amavisd-new will cause local.cf to be re-read, however much of user_prefs is not used by amavis, so you should look at the settings in amavisd.conf first.

You can restart amavisd-new without restarting postfix.

Robert Brooks,           Network Manager,          Cable & Wireless UK
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                                   http://wtg.cw.com/
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-              "What was your username again?" - BOFH                -

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