

  I've been using amavis-stats for around a couple of years and recently
went on a rampage to stop spam.  I was concerned that the graph was
showing that I was catching about 30% spam on average which I thought
was rather low.  Over the weekend I spent a lot of time tuning rules and
adding additional features to spamassassin and have gotten a much better
effect.  However, my graph is still showing that a lot of messages are
making it through.  I sat down for 10 minutes and tailed -f the maillog
and saw that 2 messages out of 162 made it through spamassassin but the
amavisd-stats still showed "around" 65 messages making it through.  I'm
pretty sure now that the graphing utility is not working correctly.  I
-think- that amavisd-stats is not seeing the postfix blocked or the RBL
blocked messages in the log.


  I noticed that amavisd-stats is no longer an active project. (when I
went to find an update for it)


  I then spend the better part of the day looking for a nice graphing
utility that works.   I'd like it to show total messages, spam/blocked
messages, and virus emails in a clean graph.  


  Does anyone know of any or have recommendations?




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