Ok I have an update. I picked a message that was getting marked USER_IN_WHITELIST once every 5 or so messages. I took the from address and added this code to Perl..Mail\SpamAssassin\EvalTests.pm

   if ($addr =~ qr/$regexp/i) {
dbg("rules: address $addr matches whitelist or blacklist regexp: $regexp");
>      if ("$addr" eq "[EMAIL PROTECTED]") {
> info("PARADOX: rules: address $addr matches whitelist or blacklist regexp: $regexp");
>        foreach my $reg (values %{$list}) {
>          info("PARADOX: $reg");
>        }

I then ran my loop and watched the log. After a few tries it hit. Guess the cool part. It printed out hundreds and hundreds of lines of blacklist/whitelist settings. I use a domain/username file based pref system, no sql, nothing broken there. The hundreds of lines were not 'all' my wl/bl's. After some more debugging I am petty confident that I am seeing the list of all wl/bl's loaded in memory for any message being scanned at that moment. On this particularly box probably around 25 or so.

Pretty cool huh?

How is this possible?  How did it just start happening out of nowhere?

 Ryan Pavely
  Director Research And Development
  Net Access Corporation
  http://www.nac.net/ http://www.15minuteservers.com/

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