Gene Heskett wrote:
> On Thursday 25 January 2007 11:56, Theo Van Dinter wrote:
>> On Thu, Jan 25, 2007 at 11:50:13AM -0500, Gene Heskett wrote:
>>> I got this email from Rules_Du_Jour this morning, what is the fix?
>> Don't take this the wrong way, but did you read the errors at all?
>>> Lint output: [16404] warn: config: failed to parse line, skipping:
>>> README: [16404] warn: config: failed to parse line, skipping: WARNING:
>>> ACCOUNT. [16404] warn: config: failed to parse line, skipping: Someone
>>> else will eventually have control of this webspace, possibly a
>>> malicious spammer. [16404] warn: config: failed to parse line,
>>> skipping: STOP using RDJ on this file *NOW*
>>> [16404] warn: config: failed to parse line, skipping: Also, make note
>>> of the fact that this file is for users of SA 2.64 and below.
>> It makes it pretty clear that you should stop using it and why.
> Yes I did read it, but I'm not sure what rule I should remove, or if I 
> should stop using rulesdujour.  Has it fallen out of favor or was it too 
> good for somebody?
No, you shouldn't stop using RDJ.

You should however stop using RDJ to update antidrug, for the following

1) Antidrug is no longer actively maintained. I haven't edited the rules
themselves in a very long time, over a year. You've probably downloaded
update since, but it's all notes in the comments. ie: don't use this
with 3.0.0 or higher went in back in june or july 06. October 06 saw the
ruleset updated with a comment telling you it moved (that few read).

2) Antidrug is a part of SA as of SA 3.0.0. If you're using antidrug
with SA 3.0.0 or higher, you're possibly downgrading your antidrug
rules. Unless you're using SA 2.64 or lower, you should remove from your system completely.

3) If I ever make updates to the antidrug rules, I'd submit them to the
main SA project to avoid conflicts. I will likely NOT update (anyone using 2.64 or older would get a much bigger boost
in accuracy from updating SA than they will from updating my rules.)

Therefore, checking Antidrug with RDJ is pointless.  In fact, the
current version of RDJ no longer supports antidrug at all for this very

So, I suggest that you take the following steps:

1) update your RDJ. Chris Thielen, the author of RDJ, has in the past
pointed out that it's no longer available via, but can be
gotten here:

2) remove from your system unless your SA version is 2.64 or
lower. If it is, I would SERIOUSLY consider upgrading.

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