> I don't know about "fry" the DB, but sa-learn will happily attempt to
> learn
> from whatever files/directories matched '*'.  Likely, it'll see them all
> as
> messages w/ no headers, so a lot of body tokens.
> The question of course is, does this matter, which is hard to say.  If the
> tokens are one-off type tokens that you don't get in mail, then they won't
> be
> used for anything and at some point in the future will get expired out.
> If the tokens are common in ham, then that won't be good.
> Restore from backup?  :)
> --
> Randomly Selected Tagline:
> Just remember: Today is the first day after yesterday.

I see

It isn't that big a biggie as I am learning about training and so this
machine doesn't matter so much at this moment.

Well, what made me wonder was that I actually made that mistake and it never
did show any dots.

Notice that please. NO dots .................... ever showed up.

I did try ctrl-c yet it didn't want to exit so I had to login as root and
kill it.

I will build tools to deal with it in the near future, I am just looking for
wisdom to learn from now so I can build the tools the best AND to know how
to look at a bayes database and understand possible corruptions etc

Any help or pointers will be appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

 - rh

Robert - Abba Communications
   Computer & Internet Services
 (509) 624-7159 - www.abbacomm.net

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