On Thu, 1 Feb 2007 11:59:30 -0800 (PST), z3r0

>I'm a common user, just have a hosting account and spamassassin 3.1.7
>The only directory in all my ftp folder that contains something related to
>SA is
>in root .spamassassin, where lives just 4 files, one of these is user_prefs.
>In same folder added a new rule I made (a .cf file) and droped there.
>My .cf file contains this:
>header PALABRAS_MALAS_SUBJECT  Subject =~ /\belefantes|ilegales|africanos\b
>describe PALABRAS_MALAS_SUBJECT Contiene palabras malas en el asunto
>My intention was: If any of the words: elefantes OR ilegales OR africanos is
>found on Subject,
>then score that email 1.1.
>Then uploaded the file to that folder (I don't know if that's enough or I
>must "enable" something to tell SA that reads that rule.
>Then sent an email to me using a yahoo email account (not whitelisted) and
>my email came, took a look at header of message and saw this:
>X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.1.7 (2006-10-05) on 
>       gator73.hostgator.com
>X-Spam-Status: No, score=0.0 required=4.0 tests=HTML_MESSAGE autolearn=ham 
>       version=3.1.7
>I expected there to appear something like: PALABRAS_MALAS_SUBJECT      1.1
>My questions:
>1) Is the rule ok?
>2) Is it enough with uploading the .cf files to that folder in order to
>3) When a message comes, SA reads all the rules and tags the header
>according those that give positive values?
>4) What is going on?

..and don't forget to restart spamassassin (also make sure you run

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