Maciej Friedel wrote:
> On 02/01/07 z3r0 wrote:
> > > Depending on the level of access you have to your Linux box I'd
> > > suggest writing them in joe or vi from the command line. linux
> > > can get very picky about line breaks in files created in windows.
> > I can't lint anything, I just have a CPanel access and my wordpad.
> > This is not meant for users like me I guess...
> Change Your wordpad with this vim for windows

For someone unfamiliar with vi, I would suggest the Cream editor.  This
is a build of the VIM editor for Windows that has been configured to be
more user friendly.  It has the same insert-mode interface as other
Windows editors, so it can be used by anyone, but it has all of the
power and configuration of VIM available when you need something


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