Hi there,


Apologies if this has been answered, I cannot find on the web anything
to say about this and not being a Linux guru I'm a little bewildered.


Basically a previous technician setup SpamAssassin on a server for us
and has since left the company on bad terms so is not able to support


Server is setup in the following manner


QMail with Vpopmail and spamassassin with sophie antivirus


Its setup as a spam filtering server for our customers. We point their
mx records at the server then in qmail smtproutes we direct emails to
their actual mail servers.


If an email comes in and is spam it is put into
[EMAIL PROTECTED] which are mailboxes setup on the
server accessed via Squirrelmail (Using courier_imap) to release emails
(I've changed the forward button to say release)

Ham emails are forwarded onto the customers mail server as setup in
smtproutes file.


The problem is that spam has increased and I want to turn bayes
filtering on, I've trained it up on spam emails as they are saved on the
server, but all the ham emails are sent away and not kept.


Does anyone have any ideas how I can get the emails back on the server,
or keep a copy on the server to create a bayes database on?

I thought of forwarding emails back, but then its a forwarded email and
not the actual one which will mess up the database.


The other question I had was regarding setting up squirrelmail for
releasing emails. I've just butchered the template of squirrelmail to
look like a spam filter release but its far from ideal, does anyone know
of any templates for squirrelmail or have they developed any?



Kind Regards,

Philip Seccombe

Turnstone Technologies NZ Limited


Phone: +64 9 970 5550

Fax: +64 9 970 5559

DDI: +64 9 970 5552


Web: www.turnstone.co.nz 


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