My 2p.  YMMV and of course the spammers will continue to make minor
changes to avoid it and some ham will no doubt be hit as well:


body     __IR_IMPO /\bimpor*tant/i
body     __IR_REMO /\bremove/i
body     __IR_LINK /\blink/i
body     __IR_REPL /\breplace/i
body     __IR_WITH /\bwith/i
body    __BANG_URI m!https?://[EMAIL PROTECTED]&\*\(\)\_\+\=\,][a-z0-9-.
body    __DASH_URI m!https?://[a-z0-9-.]*[,-][a-z0-9]*(\s|/)!i

meta    IMPO_REMO_LINK ((__IR_IMPO && __IR_REMO) || (__IR_REMO &&
describe IMPO_REMO_LINK Contains "important remove" or "remove link"
and silly URI obfuscation
score   IMPO_REMO_LINK 3

meta    IMPO_REPL_WITH ((__IR_IMPO && __IR_REPL) || (__IR_REPL &&
__IR_WITH)) && (__BANG_URI || __DASH_URI)
describe IMPO_REPL_WITH Contains "important replace" or "replace with"
and bang or dash URI
score   IMPO_REPL_WITH 5

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