urgrue wrote:
> I'm having a whitelist-related problem.
> -a lot of spam comes through with WHITELISTED in the headers, yet i
> can never find the senders, IPs, etc of said messages in any
> whitelists, including the auto-whitelist.
> -auto-whitelist is in use although I've disabled it everywhere.
The auto-whitelist has nothing to do with anything that says WHITELISTED.

The  auto-whitelist will show up as a rule named AWL. Nothing else.

That said, can you be VERY specific about what your headers say?


If so, check your whitelist_from and whitelist_from_rcvd entries.

In particular, make sure you didn't do anything like the common mistake
of "whitelist_from [EMAIL PROTECTED]". Any spammer can trivially forge a
From: or Return-Path header, and forging your own domain in these fields
is a common tactic because spammers know many people make this mistake.

> I'm running spamassassin 3.1.7 through amavis on redhat.
> Besides /etc/amavisd.conf, /etc/mail/spamassassin/*, <amavis user
> home>/.spamassassin/*, where else could there possibly be another
> whitelist? I've searched through all the conf files for alternate
> places but couldn't find any.
> Why is auto-whitelist in use? I've explicitly disabled it in
> /etc/amavisd.conf, /etc/mail/spamassassin/v310.pre,
> /etc/mail/spamassassin/local.cf. <amavis user
> home>/.spamassassin/user_prefs is empty. But still the auto-whitelist
> file continues to grow and mails occasionally get AWL in their headers.
Well, disabling the loadplugin should do it. That said, did you restart
amavis after doing so? (these files only get parsed when a SA instance
starts up, and amavis keeps its own perl-API based copy of SA in order
to avoid the waste of calling out to external commands like spamc or


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