Is that the same as whitelisting, maybe I do not understand, but a very rigorous approach would be a whitelist methodology which, once a new account is created, they send email to everyone they want to communicate with, and it 'autowhitelists' those addresses, so you can only receive from those you communicate with (or want to), i.e. the user will have to authorize the receipt of a message into the whitelist (that way the email address owner is soley responsible for what they receive). The main problem (although someone may be able to come up with an appropriate compromise), is that if everyone were using this methodology, how would one ever receive email? But nonetheless, since there is less ham than spam nowadays, it make more since to do what you are saying and deal with only the traffic the user wishes to see instead of that which they don't, seems the actual programming need to deal with this would be less stressful on machine resources as well. I.e. less resources would be consumed dealing with less incoming crap (er mail, I mean).... Stop it at the connection... maybe a ulog plugin.... just a thought....
Miles Fidelman wrote:

Dan wrote:

I've developed a new approach to scoring that I want to 1) share with everyone and 2) make into a working system thats as accurate as what I've already built, but easier to use. First, the theory:

All messages are spam unless x,y,z score says they're ham.

Block everything, then create rules to not catch what you do want. ie, build tests that target the spam (keeping all the tests you've already built), then score the thousands of ways ham triggers on those tests.

It strikes me that the hardest part of this approach is filtering out too much ham. At least for me, it's more important to make sure that people reach me, than to filter out all spam. If we take the approach that everything is to be filtered out, except x,y,z - then the risk of filtering out too much seems pretty high.

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