On Thursday 15 February 2007 15:48, Dave Williss wrote:
> Is there some Spamassassin rule that may be auto-whitelisting this
> (because the forged sender is an actual account), or is Postfix confused
> into thinking that the sender is local and just not running it through
> SA? Now that I think about it, I'm guessing it's Postfix.

SpamAssassin always processes all mail it gets and at the very least adds an 
X-Spam-Checker-Version: line to the mail header, so you're guessing 

Magnus Holmgren        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                       (No Cc of list mail needed, thanks)

  "Exim is better at being younger, whereas sendmail is better for 
   Scrabble (50 point bonus for clearing your rack)" -- Dave Evans

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