
I have a problem with timeouts on the bayes expiry on SpamAssassin 3.1.7.
These log messages look like this:

spamd[5148]: bayes: expire_old_tokens: child processing timeout at spamd
line 1083, <GEN1176> line 369.
spamd[22114]: bayes: child processing timeout at spamd line 1083.

Because of these timeouts I fear that emails are slipping through the
procmail/spamassassin filtering combination. This already happend several
times but I do not have an evidence that the timeout problems are the
reason for the emails slipping through (this is however not a matter of
running spamd children - there are enough of them and never get used up).

According to the SpamAssassin FAQ a solution to the expiry problem would
be to force the expiry via cron job and deactivate the bayes auto expiry
in local.cf.

I dont run one global bayes db for all users. Every user has his own mysql
based bayes db.

My concern is when I would run force expiry that the command would only
affect the bayes db of the user the command is run with.
Is my assumption correct? If yes, is there a way how to do force expiry
without running the command for every user?
And are the expiry problems related to emails slipping through the filter?


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