----- Original Message ----- From: "Dave Koontz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'spam mailling list'" <users@spamassassin.apache.org>
Sent: Saturday, February 17, 2007 9:30 AM
Subject: Re: Bayes db size....

Is there a consensus on this need?  I deal with the seen db issue by
scheduled deletion of that file. That said, with SA becoming more and more prominent all the time, I suspect the Average Joe will miss this oddity until they wind up with a sluggish system, out of drive space or
other related issues.

I was mostly curious of the logic on NOT doing maintenance on the Seen
and AWL db files.  If there is a consensus this needs to occur, then
perhaps I can take the time to create a proper patch. I just want to
make sure I am not missing something fundamental here....

Michael Parker wrote:
Dave Koontz wrote:

I use the SQL interface and expire the bayes_seen like this. I believe 6 months to be over conservative. I added a lastupdate column as a timestamp. In the perl DBM I would recommend you use a technique such as this and update the timestamp in perl. It converts nicely to SQL.

Here is my query for cleaning bayes_seen:

mysql -u$USER -p$PW -h$SERVER -e\
"DELETE FROM bayes_seen WHERE lastupdate <= DATE_SUB(SYSDATE(), INTERVAL 6 MONTH); " \

Hope this helps,

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