On Mon, Feb 19, 2007 at 03:21:10PM +0100, Giampaolo Tomassoni wrote:
> I'm getting lots of messages like the following one:
>       Hi
>       How are you ? Call me.
>       who are free to come 
>       Poor you, i don't even think how much spam you are recive.
>       front of get-smart 
>       6879____________________________________3379

I have been getting the same emails, a few got through spamassassin and
i just gave them to sa-learn.
Thing is tho, i really dont see the point in sending spam like this and
only to the same user @ lots of domains. Is it to try and make people
goto the domain where the emails from or just to annoy people? Or is it
just a .. see if i can spam everybody thing lol

> They are all directed to an unexistent mailbox in most of the domains I have 
> in my servers ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) .
> I followed their implicit instructions by opening my MTA to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> and redirecting all them to my spamtrap engine (which requires 0 
> human-intervention time, by the way).
> Are they spamtrap-detecting messages (see partially masked code), bayes 
> poisoners (last text line often changes), a spammer exploding in a supernova, 
> or every of the above?
> Thanks,
> -----------------------------------
> Giampaolo Tomassoni - IT Consultant
> Piazza VIII Aprile 1948, 4
> I-53044 Chiusi (SI) - Italy
> Ph: +39-0578-21100
> MAI inviare una e-mail a:
> NEVER send an e-mail to:

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