
Thanks for the hint about using ToCc - that prompted me to realize my
error. I had not supplied FQ addresses in the rule, only user names. The
rule would have never fired when I wanted it to fire (and it didn't).
The corrected rule is below:

header    TO_ADDRESS_BOGUS     ToCc !~
score      TO_ADDRESS_BOGUS     4.0

This newly corrected rule is working exactly as expected, and as I
result I no longer have to manage a complex set of white and black lists.

John Minnihan wrote:
> Thanks for the quick reply & bonus suggestion, Matt.
> I'll continue modeling this now that I know !~ should function as
> expected, i.e. "return true if the pattern is not matched".
>> John Minnihan wrote:
>>> SA Team,
>>> I have a fully functional SA installation that is serving me very
>>> well.   I use Mailscanner and a few custom rules, and am generally
>>> very pleased with the results.
>>> There’s one more rule that I’d like to run, but haven’t figured
>>> out
>>> how to implement it. I want to use a header rule that will trigger on
>>> any mail sent to my domains that is to an address that is *not* in my
>>> test block, for example:
>>>     header TO_ADDRESS_BOGUS            To !~ /my|real|addresses|here/i
>>>     describe TO_ADDRESS_BOGUS         To: contains bogus address
>>>     score   TO_ADDRESS_BOGUS             5.0
>>> I know about blacklists and whitelists and have a solution in place
>>> that works ok, but I really want a header rule like the one above.
>>> Yes, I’ve searched. Yes, I have found many rules that implement a To:
>>> match test but have not found an rule that implements a non-match
>>> test. I suspect that my use of !~ is incorrect, but lint is happy with
>>> that rule as-is.
>> Your use of !~ should work properly here.
>> However, I might suggest using ToCc instead of To. This will at least
>> match mail that's Cc'ed to you...
>> Of course, neither will match any mail that's Bcc'ed to you, including
>> mailing list posts (ie: this list). So make sure you whitelist anyone
>> who will send you Bcc'ed mail.

John Minnihan
Founder, Freepository
Software development infrastructure since 1999


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