On Thu, 22 Feb 2007 16:28:26 +0000, Ben Wylie wrote
> First of all, do rawbody emails literally scan the raw email 
> including massive attachments? I received an email today with a 7MB 
> MS Word attachment. This email completely bogged down the system, as 
> if there were rules scanning the raw attachment (which wouldn't be 
> very fruitful and takes ages!).
> If these rawbody rules are scanning all attachments, is there a way 
> to get them to only scan html and text mime parts?
> Also is there an option in Spamassassin which you can set to prevent 
> it from scanning emails over a certain size (eg 1mb).
> Thanks
> Ben

I have spamassassin run via a systemwide procmailrc file.  It only scans 
files < 256,000 bytes.  I also bypass the SA filter for spamassassin's 
mailing list (which relieves quite a bit of load from the system since SA's 
list is very busy).

Here's what I've got:



*^List-ID: <users.spamassassin.apache.org>

* < 256000
| spamc -U /tmp/spamd.sock

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