> Chances are that your Bayesian database changed between the 
> time you recieved this message and the time you rescanned it 
> from the command line.  Rescanning something is _not_ a 
> reliable way to figure out what score SA gave it on receipt.  
> You should use the _TESTSSCORES(,)_ macro in your add_header 
> line to figure that out.

I agree with you! Infact, today I get another spam and after seven hours
that it was received I analyse it and I get again a score greater that
5.0 points:

Content preview:  "Yes, I exactly heard it spoken flight of, self
decision but
   I did not know the scorch "And who man found brain this mark father
for you?"
   plead "Half-past six o'clock has strod cold purpose just struck, M.
   "The week Count receive shoe of Monte Cristo." [...]

Content analysis details:   (5.6 points, 5.0 required)

 pts rule name              description
---- ----------------------
 1.1 EXTRA_MPART_TYPE       Header has extraneous Content-type:...type=
 0.0 HTML_MESSAGE           BODY: HTML included in message
 3.0 BAYES_95               BODY: Bayesian spam probability is 95 to 99%
                            [score: 0.9680]
 0.8 SARE_GIF_ATTACH        FULL: Email has a inline gif
 0.7 MY_CID_AND_STYLE       SARE cid and style

But there is a strategy for preventing that this emails reaches the
mailboxes before that spamassassin learns about them (maybe greylist?)?



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