maillist wrote:
> I've been on this mail list only for a few months now, and am 
> wondering if I am the smallest guy here.  I often have questions, and 
> usually find the answer just by browsing in past mails, which is 
> really cool.  I see most of the folks that are questioning/replying 
> are admins of rather large systems, many ISPs.
> I only run a little bitty server with under 100 users.  Are there any 
> others like that here?  The reason I ask is, I think that running a 
> single-domain server, with under 100 users gives a little more room 
> for testing, and general mis configuring errors, and would like to 
> know of some methods that maybe other small guys like myself have come 
> up with to trouble-shoot.
Well... I run a server that has only about 5 mail users.  We use it to 
run a couple of dozen email lists, with a total of perhaps 2000 subscribers.

I'm single domain as well- approx  70 users

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