> Could future versions of sa-update please be a little more vocal?
> Like maybe "no new updates found | loaded xxx new updates | error xxx"
> Exit codes are not evident when simply typing sa-update on the command
> line...

I created my own simple batch file for windows.
It runs sa-update.
Checks the return code.
Creates a message (some/no updates).
GREP's some basic info from the debug output so you can tell what got
And using a perl script, sends the message, report, and debug output to
me in e-mail every morning.

All this would be easy to do on any OS, I presume since I didn't use any
windows-specific tools except for the batch language itself.

Here's what the batch file looks like (watch the line wrapping):

call sa-update --channelfile sa-update-channels.txt --gpgkey 856AA88A -D
1>sa-update-out.txt 2>sa-update-dbg.txt
if errorlevel 1 goto noupd
echo Some rules updated.>sa-update-msg.txt
goto makelog
echo No updates available.>sa-update-msg.txt
echo Log files attached.>>sa-update-msg.txt

c:\bat\grep -F -f sa-update-grep.txt sa-update-dbg.txt

perl sa-update-send.pl<sa-update-msg.txt

And here's the perl script to send the e-mail:

# E-mail notification settings. The download/version log is sent plus
# if auto updating, the SA lint stdout and stderr are sent.
# E-mail is only sent if there is a newer version of at least one rule
# Set $mail_host to '' for no notification.
my $from_address = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]';
my $to_address = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]';
my $mail_host = 'mail.wcg.org';
my $subject = 'SpamAssassin Rule Updates';

use MIME::Lite;
use NET::SMTP;

my $message_body = "";
while (<>)
  $message_body .= $_

if ($mail_host) {
  # Notify admins
  $msg = MIME::Lite->new (
    From => $from_address,
    To => $to_address,
    Subject => $subject,
    Type =>'multipart/mixed'
  ) or die "Error creating message: $!\n";

  $msg->attach (
    Type => 'TEXT',
    Data => $message_body
  ) or die "Error adding the text message part: $!\n";

  $msg->attach (
     Type => 'text/plain',
     Path => "sa-update-log.txt",
     Filename => "sa-update-log.txt",
     Disposition => 'attachment'
  ) or die "Error adding sa-update-log.txt: $!\n";

  $msg->attach (
     Type => 'text/plain',
     Path => "sa-update-dbg.txt",
     Filename => "sa-update-dbg.txt",
     Disposition => 'attachment'
  ) or die "Error adding sa-update-dbg.txt: $!\n";

  $msg->attach (
     Type => 'text/plain',
     Path => "sa-update-out.txt",
     Filename => "sa-update-out.txt",
     Disposition => 'attachment'
  ) or die "Error adding sa-update-out.txt: $!\n";

  MIME::Lite->send('smtp', $mail_host, Timeout=>60);


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