Henrik Krohns wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 13, 2007 at 10:32:56AM -0400, Matt Kettler wrote:
>> Mário Gamito wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> How can change the number of messages needed for sa-learn from 200 to
>>> a lower value ?
>>> My boss (grunf... it had to be him) is getting a lot of HAM.
>>> Any help would be appreciated. 
>> Edit the code.
>> That said, you may get unreliable and erratic bayes results from SA if
>> you do this. There's a reason the minimum is 200 and there's no
>> adjustment. You can't make a reasonable statistical analysis without
>> enough data to base it on.
>> If your boss is having mis-tagging problems, I'd look elsewhere. This
>> will make the tagging problems worse, not better.
> Umm, it would help learning how to do basic configuration or atleast
> find the manual.

Gah! Alas, I am undone :)

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