
Although I have some negative-score rules, my ham mails never score too much below zero. I've set auto learning for ham to -12 to be sure spam never gets marked as ham and my bayes database doesn't get polluted- i think it's quite bad if ham mail would be autolearned as spam (i guess much more worse than the other way around).

Anyway, i've been thinking to use "whitelist_from_rcvd" to mark mail from certain providers (which i never saw spam from if it came from the right mailserver) with a low score so that my database also gets trained with more ham.

So for example:

whitelist_from_rcvd  [EMAIL PROTECTED]          isp-sending-domain

Is this a good idea, or am i abusing the whitelist_from_rcvd rule and am I missing something so this will it have a bad impact in the end?


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