Michele Neylon :: Blacknight wrote:
> The problem with automated reporting is that we get loads of spurious
> abuse reports from idiots who report mails with a link to
> mailscanner.info in the footer (ie. the default install)
> So, unless you build some kind of sanity into it you just annoy people
> like us

I suggested reporting "indirectly" via spamcop.net.
Spamcop.net can:
a) terminate accounts of "miss-reporting" users
b) delay sending reports of "fresh" users until "trusted" user reports
spam from the same source
c) ignore some links e.g. BBC/CNN pages with some catastrophe used in
419 scams
d) gently handle reporting of reliable mailing list messages as spam
[ such "reporting mistakes" are pretty common for *big* mailing lists ]

IMHO such "LART relay service" *like* spamcop.net can significantly
increase reliability of spam reports.

[pl>en: Andrew] Andrzej Adam Filip : [EMAIL PROTECTED] : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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