Theo Van Dinter writes:
> On Wed, May 02, 2007 at 02:53:03PM -0400, Daryl C. W. O'Shea wrote:
> > >normal .spamassassinXXXXXXXXXXXtmp files in /tmp but is not always removing
> > >them.  The files that remain only ever contain garbage text, like what's 
> > >seen as
> > >a mail attachment in a plain text file.  Without usable text from these 
> fwiw, it sounds like the new "put non-text parts in a temp file" code.
> my version had those files removed when they were created, but I think
> I saw a mail float by recently about that bit getting changed before
> the release.

It does sound like that, alright.  The change was to support win32, which
doesn't allow the "open then unlink" POSIX mode that  the code was relying

My guess -- if the Message object is not finish()'d, it may leave those
temporary files behind, I guess.

Could someone seeing this bug please open a bug on the bugzilla about it?

  • Re: TMP Files Justin Mason

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