Max de Mendizabal schrieb:
Dear all,

I have a very rare problem: if I do not use the SARE rules everythings works ok but... If I run


Then spamassassin stops working.

If I check it with

spamassassin -D < spam-mail.txt

Works ok, but if I use

spamc < spam-mail.txt

Shows the spamassassin version on the header, but doesn't make the scoring. Any Ideas?


On Wed, 2 May 2007, Keith De Souza wrote:


I'm new to this mailing list, please let me know if I'm doing anything wrong
with submitting

A problem here.

I'm running SpamAssassin version 3.1.8 running on Perl version 5.8.8 the OS
that is running on

Fedora Core 5. The problem that I'm having is every so often when mail come
in, it seems to skip

SA scanning. Here what the logs say:

Sat, 28 Apr 2007 19:42:53 BST:21005: SA: required_hits ? / sa_quarantine
+0.01 / sa_delete +2.4

Sat, 28 Apr 2007 19:42:53 BST:21005: SA: finished scan of dir
"/var/spool/qmailscan/tmp/ssdd117778517072221005" in 600.013176 secs

- hits=?/?

Sat, 28 Apr 2007 19:42:53 BST:21005: qmail-scanner:
Clear:RC:0( 602.343095      3106
overtaxingpinafore [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Re:
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> textfile0:46

textfile1:468 textfile2:1145

This does not happen all the time but once in a while my log show a batch of mail not being scanned and producing false negatives, I don't know why that

Is there any possibility that my server is overloaded and spamd is unable to spawn sufficient child process to handle the incoming mail. Just a logical

Any help on this is much appreciated.

spamassassin --lint

should report you the broken rules ...

Perhaps you use a new thread next time? ;-).




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