Yup. Maybe a little too early to jump to conclusions, but since we're
running SA 3.2.0 here (two days ), less spam has made through it. I
have some spam trap accounts set up, and since the upgrade, none of
them has got any messages! (their daily rate varied from 2 to 10
messages a day).

As for the performance, I think 3.2.0 is a little bit slower than
3.1.8. Maybe 20-25% slower. Even with sa-compile ran... But as long as
we aren't a big traffic site, it's completely acceptable due to the
improvement in spam detection performance.


2007/5/4, Bret Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Is anyone noticing small, medium, or large improvements in
> how well 3.2.0 does it's job compared to 3.1.8 ???

I'm seeing less spam slipping through in 3.2.0 rc3 than with 3.1.8. Of
course, that could be coincidental, but I'd rather attribute it to the
SA upgrade.


GNU-GPL: "May The Source Be With You...

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