harp2812 wrote:
I have 3 mail servers with relatively identical configurations that I just
upgraded to MailScanner 4.59.4 and SpamAssassin 3.2.0.  Two of them are
working fine, however on one of them, sa-compile won't run, due to the
spamassassin --lint check failing.

"spamassassin --lint --debug" only turns up this:
[17079] warn: config: failed to parse line, skipping, in
"/etc/mail/spamassassin/mailscanner.cf": razor_timeout 10

Looking at my two good boxes, that line seems like it should work just

On all 3 boxes Razor 2.82 v3 is installed and running correctly, MailScanner
and SpamAssassin are parsing and scoring incoming messages without any
errors, and mailscanner.cf is identical on all boxes.

I'm at a loss to figure out what's going on... does anyone have any ideas? Thanks in advance!

Make sure that the Razor2 plugin is being loaded. The loadplugin line for it is in v310.pre. If enabled (and the .pm file isn't missing, you'll see it being loaded in the debug output).


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