On Tue, 15 May 2007, Mark Martinec wrote:

No, score=0 tagged_above=-999 required=1.7 tests=[none]
What does "tests=[none]" mean?

Matt Kettler wrote:
That's generated by amavis, not spamassassin.
My guess, based on my limited knowledge of amavis, is that message means
one of the following:
Amavis did run the message through SA, but no rules matched at all.
Amavis timed out the spamassassin run.
Amavis chose not to run spamassassin on the message due to some amavis
level whitelisting.
However, I don't know enough about amavis to tell you which of these...

Actually the "[none]" comes directly from SpamAssassin, amavisd just
reports what it gets after calling SA.

The relevant code is in SpamAssassin/PerMsgStatus.pm, sub _get_tag:

   TESTSSCORES => sub {
     my $arg = (shift || ",");
     my $line = '';
     foreach my $test (sort @{$self->{test_names_hit}}) {
       if (!$line) {
         $line .= $test . "=" . $self->{conf}->{scores}->{$test};
       } else {
         $line .= $arg . $test . "=" . $self->{conf}->{scores}->{$test};
     return $line ? $line : 'none';

It seems that really no rules matched.

Some messages here get tests=none. The two conditions I've found here are 1) like Matt already mentioned, a timeout in communication using spamc, or 2) the message was received totally within our network (trusted/internal).

Perhaps maybe you don't have the trusted/internal networks set up correctly. Just speculating as I don't know much about Amavis to know exactly how much SA tweaking you can do to make a difference.

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