Matt Kettler schrieb:
Martin Hochreiter wrote:

Is there something like a recommended tag level when to treat a mail
as spam?

(I actually use 1.7 as tag level for amavis/spamassassin)

5.0 is the "recommended" default. This level will tune SA to treat false
positives (nonspam tagged as spam) as roughly 100 times worse than false
negatives (spam that isn't tagged).

Lowering the threshold will reduce the false negatives, thus catching
more spam, but will also increase your false positive rate.

If you look at the STATISTICS*.txt files, you can see what kind of
effects lowering the threshold should have on these numbers.

For example, set3 (bayes and network tests enabled) on SA 3.2:

Shows these numbers for 5.0:

# SUMMARY for threshold 5.0:
# Correctly non-spam:  67508  99.94%
# Correctly spam:     117303  98.51%
# False positives:        42  0.06%
# False negatives:      1780  1.49%

But these for 2.0:

# SUMMARY for threshold 2.0:
# Correctly non-spam:  66745  98.81%
# Correctly spam:     118903  99.85%
# False positives:       805  1.19%
# False negatives:       180  0.15%

Note that at 2.0, the number of missed spams has gone down by a factor
of almost 10, from 1780 to 180. However, the number of false positives
has increased by a factor of more than 19, from 42 to 805.

Your exact results might be a little better, or rarely a little worse,
depending on your use of whitelists, how aggressively you train bayes,
what add-on rules you have, etc. However, these results should be
typical for a "stock" config with no use of manual whitelists, no AWL,
and relatively light bayes training.

Thx, Matt for your detailed explanations.
Do you think it would be useful to adjust the Bayes_80 - Bayes_100 scores,
to higher scores (e.g. 4.5 for bayes_100)?
(Since they never where wrong here, i use well trained bayes cause every misclassified mail is relearned,
even bayes_80 spammails are relearned ...)


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