On Thu, 24 May 2007, asteddy wrote:

I would like to know if I can disable spamassassin logging because I think it's 
slowing down.
I would also know if there is a way to say to spamassassin that whitelisted 
addresses don't need to pass all other rules.
If there was already a thred talking about these arguments please tell me where 
I can find it because I haven't found a searching engine in the mail archive 
and I have subscribed the list only now.
Thank you in advance.

I forgot to address the whitelisted part.

I haven't tried testing it out, but, in version 3.2 there is the Shortcircuit pluggin. The description says:

  This plugin implements simple, test-based shortcircuiting.
  Shortcircuiting a test will force all other pending rules to be skipped,
  if that test is hit.

The only thing would be if the whitelist test is done before anything else, the rest of the tests could be skipped.

I'm not sure yet as to how one would use it. Perhaps someone has already looked at this and could give an example.

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