On Thursday 24 May 2007 14:28, Simon Avery wrote:
> I have SA-Exim running and I want it to ignore any mail coming from
> local domains (ie, a 10.0.0/24 etc) because the users within these nets
> are complaining the sending delay is too big.
> I've tried following half a dozen rough guides, which assume a lot of
> knowledge of Exim by restricting by ACL, but they don't work for me.

Why don't they work for you? The setting controlling whether SA-Exim contacts 
spamd or not is SAEximRunCond in /etc/exim4/sa-exim.conf. Since SA-Exim's 
configuration parser is very simple and doesn't allow line continuations, the 
condition can become rather unwieldy. For that reason, I recommend setting an 
ACL variable in Exim's ACLs. You should find an example in sa-exim.conf, or 
in sa-exim.conf.dpkg-dist if you have upgraded and opted to keep your own 
version of the configuration file.

You're invited to join the SA-Exim mailing list, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
See http://lists.merlins.org/lists/listinfo/sa-exim

Magnus Holmgren        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(Debian sa-exim        (No Cc of list mail needed, thanks)

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