i think we all need to read the TMDA FAQ ! :-)

On 6/1/07, Rick Macdougall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

jdow wrote:
> From: "Rick Macdougall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Dennis Kavadas wrote:
>>> if i had never meet you before and if i asked you to knock on my
>>> door before barging in, would you believe that was to much to ask of
>>> you ?
>> If you are a business or someone looking for help, you either have an
>> open door policy or you asked for someone to help you out.
>> Asking them to knock first is just rude and, in the case of
>> businesses, standing in the way of doing business, since your clients
>> can not easily get a hold of you.
> Actually the situation is the reverse of the stranger at the door
> situation.
> THEY are the stranger to whom I am replying. I've not hit a corporation
> stupid enough to turn me away with a C/R.
> All the C/R's I have experienced are from ME answering THEIR email. That
> in NO WAY matches the stranger at the door. HE is the stranger at the
> door
> not me. Most of the C/Rs have been to messages on mailing lists. That is
> as utterly unfriendly as you can get. And, again, HE is the stranger
> at the door
> I was trying to help.
> That level of rudeness does not set well with me. Call me a crotchety
> bitch if you want. But I will continue to reject C/R, often with
> extreme prejudice,
> into the foreseeable future.
> {^_^}
Heh, I think I love you :)


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