Manu wrote:
> Great, that's what I want.
> Currently my .qmail-Files look like this:
> | /opt/psa/bin/psa-spamc accept
> | preline /usr/bin/procmail -m -o .procmailrc
> So I have to insert a line before the first line, right?

I have no idea.  I'm a sendmail+procmail guy.  <g>

> Would you be so kind 
> to help me a bit? :)

Well, here's a starting point for procmail-based processing.  Note that
I haven't checked this to actually be correct procmail syntax, or that
it's logically correct.  <g>  I'm pretty sure it should work the way
you're looking for, however.

In /etc/procmailrc:

| spamassassin

| formail -a "X-my-special-header:  PTHBTT"

Then in the individual .procmailrc files:

* !^X-my-special-header:  PTHBTT
| spamassassin

Munge to taste;  man procmail, man procmailrc and man procmailex should
be useful references.

If your SA calls are happening somewhere else, you'll have to work out
what sort of syntax you need to add an arbitrary header on messages from
a certain source, and then not call per-user SA for messages that have
that header added.


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