On Tuesday 29 May 2007 9:55 am, Sujit Acharyya-Choudhury wrote:
> I was interested in the following plugin and hence AutoWhitelist:
> SAGrey
> SAGrey is two-phased, in that it first looks to see if the current score
> of the current message exceeds the user-defined threshold value (as set
> in one of the cf files), and then looks to see if the message sender's
> email and IP address tuple are already known to the auto-whitelist (AWL)
> repository. If the message is spam and the sender is unknown, SAGrey
> assumes that this is one-time spam from a throwaway or zombie account,
> and fires accordingly.
> Created by: Eric A. Hall
> License Type: Same as SpamAssassin
> Status: seemingly-functional initial release; ongoing development
> Available at:  http://www.ntrg.com/misc/sagrey/
> I don't know how effective this will be - but when I am getting so much
> unmarked spam - this little thing can be of help.
> If anybody is using it or used it, please let me know if it has any
> adverse effect.
> Many thanks
> Sujit
I'm not an ISP nor do I run a mail server, however, I have been using SAGrey 
for some years now. Some stats below:

RANK    RULE NAME                       COUNT  %OFMAIL %OFSPAM  %OFHAM        
   1    DKIM_POLICY_SIGNSOME               75   100.00  100.00  100.00
   2    SAGREY                             65    37.36   86.67    0.00

  Rule Name                     Score     Ham   Spam   %of Ham   %of Spam
  SAGREY                         1.00      0    368     0.00%     75.56%
  OVERALL                                  0    368     0.00%     75.56%

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