> i got a question , Domainkey is now unsupportet, Dkim is
> supportet, and
> Domainkey compat.
> when i use this plugins with spamassassin, what are the main
> differents
> between using this plugin for checking sign on incoming
> mails, and checking
> it via a MTA (and domainkeys).
> Normaly the Mta, then rejects the messages / or accept it depends on
> settings, but with spamassassin it gets a score if sign or
> not sign (false
> sign) or didnt i understand it?
> sorry for my poor english

Using DKIM in SpamAssassin not only scores a minor adjustment on the
message, but allows you to whitelist certain people or domains more
safely using whitelist_auth. If a messages comes in from example.com and
is signed, using whitelist_auth [EMAIL PROTECTED] would whitelist the
message. If a message comes from example.com and is not signed, the
whitelist score isn't applied. That way if a spammer spoofs a domain to
send spam, they aren't whitelisted just because you want to receive
other real mail from example.com.

The same logic applies to using SPF in SpamAssassin.


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