thanks for the help dan
i will try one more time to reason with sitelutions, but my prob with them
is that they seem to think this is not a problem, and vaguely imply that
know better than me since they are tech gods and therefore i shouldn't be
and i'm still trying to see if there is some way to configure sa at
sitelutions to
filter this 'backscatter' coming back to me.
up till now i wanted to get the 'mail delivery system' etc subjects, so i
could tell
if there were problems with any recips i sent to, but its just too much of a
with the amount i'm getting now
i think my email runs about 5-8meg per day, prob half of it is real spam
i'm even thinking of running my own on my xp box with a kinda mini iis
for my smtp and thinking there should be some pop3 i can also run, if it all
safe and easy enough.
i will let you know, either way

Jari Fredriksson wrote:
> bbxrider wrote:
>> yes, but..........................
>> i have a spam filter on my client, spambayes, and it works fine to
>> sort out spam sent
>> to a 'real' account
>> the problem here is numbers, the spammer is spoofing my domain with a
>> constantly changing
>> name (but with a constant piece of it)  with dozens if not hundreds a
>> day, are coming back to my domain pop3 with invalid address messages,
>> i don't want to deal with those and besides its further clogging the
>> pipes with messages being sent to me that are unnecessary, so my hunt
>> continues to determine a way
>> to have spam assassin handle it at my pop3,, since
>> they don't seem to have
>> another way to handle it.
>> thanks bbxrider
> Ah, you are talking about "back-scatter". While it's a nuicance, it's not
> actually spam - no matter that it's caused by spam originally.
> I don't want my SpamAssassin to take those as spam.. because redirect my
> spam to SpamCop for reporting, and backscatter is not spam.
> If you can't turn off the catch-all feature of your email service, I think
> the best you can do is to filter backscatter in your POP-client using
> subject headers.
> Here is my collection of headers triggering my back-scatter procedure
> (which is to add a header "X-Bounce: Yes" which will then be used to
> direct the mail to a special folder.
> This is for maildrop, but the subject headers can be used in any mailer.
> 99% of delivery reports seem to get caught with these, so backscatter is
> no problem to me any more.
> if (    /^Subject: Mail Delivery Problem/               || \
>         /^Subject: Mail Delivery \(failure/             || \
>         /^Subject: Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender/ || \
>         /^Subject: virus found in sent message/         || \
>         /^Subject: failure notice /                     || \
>         /^Subject: Mail delivery failed/                || \
>         /^Subject: Delivery Status Notification/        || \
>         /^Subject: Undeliverable:/                      || \
>         /^Subject: Undeliverable mail/                  || \
>         /^Subject: Returned mail: /                     || \
>         /^Subject: DELIVERY FAILURE: User /             || \
>         /^Subject: Yahoo! Auto Response/                || \
>         /^X-ME-bounce-domain:/                          || \
>         /^X-Failed-Recipients:/                         || \
>         /^X-Yahoo-Newman-Property: groups-bounce/       || \
>         /^Diagnostic-Code: X-Postfix; host /            || \
>         /^Content-type: multipart\/report;/             || \
>         /^Subject: Delivery failed:/                    || \
>         /^Subject: DELIVERY FAILURE:/                   || \
>         /^Subject: MESSAGE NOT DELIVERED: /             || \
>         /^Subject: Delivery problem/                    || \
>         /^Subject: Email Failure Notification/          || \
>         /^Subject: Email not allowed/                   || \
>         /^Subject: failure delivery/                    || \
>         /^Subject: failure notice/                      || \
>         /^Subject: Mail Not Delivered/                  || \
>         /^Subject: mail failed, returning to sender/    || \
>         /^Subject: Nondeliverable mail/                 || \
>         /^Subject: Warning: could not send message for/ || \
>         /^Subject: MDaemon Warning - Virus Found/       || \
>         /^Subject: Permanent Delivery Failure/          || \
>         /^Subject: Mail System Error - Returned Mail/   || \
>         /^Subject: Mail System Error - Undeliverable Mail/   || \
>         /^Subject: Transient Delivery Failure/          || \
>         /^Subject: Message status - undeliverable/      || \
>         /^Subject: Warning: message /                   || \
>         /^Subject: Undeliverable: /                     || \
>         /^Subject: Delivery failure/ )
> {
>         `logger -p "** BOUNCE RECEIVED **"`
>         xfilter "reformail -a'X-Bounce: Yes '"
>         SCAN_SPAM=0
> }

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