Server .116

The email attached has been identified by one of our team as legitimate but 
unfortunately was incorrectly tagged as SPAM.

The email address has been whitelisted to ensure this will not happen again and 
we are currently looking into the reasons why this happened.

No mail has been lost as the quarantined mail folder is continuously checked by 
members of Team Genesis, but please accept our apologies for any inconvenience 

Your SPAM scanning system; Ullyses is continually being upgraded and refined so 
we anticipate a steadily decreasing number of incidents like this as the system 
learns your personal profile.

If you feel that you are receiving an inappropriate amount of SPAM then can we 
ask you to contact us either by email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] or call your 
Genesis representative who will be happy to assist.

Please do not reply to this email address as it has been automatically 
generated, but email any queries to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you and take care

are you realising, that you're "spamming" a mailinglist here?

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