From: "Jari Fredriksson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

jdow wrote:
From: "WLamotte" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sorry if this is an obvious question but why isn't there an option
for Spamassassin to bounce spam? Sure it does a good job at
filtering spam but I
don't want it from my web(mail)server to my inbox. I want my web- or
mailserver to bounce suspected spam. Is this a feature that could be

Because there are people like me who submit sites that bounce spam to
me to SpamHaus, SpamCop, and others?

"There is no way to bounce spam," is a good general rule to follow.
There is nothing in the message, usually, that tells you precisely who
sent the spam. The return path, reply to, and sender or "from" fields
are all forgeable. Sites that bounce spam after the receipt
transaction is over are aiding spammers rather than helping poor sods
who have been hacked.

Having been a victim of a forged "From:" address hack, a Joe Job, I
can tell you reliably that I will crawl through the wires back to the
MTA that bounced back to me and rip the CPU out of the hard drive.
And if the operator is nearby I will rip his heart out through his
{o.o}   Joanne hates idiots who bounce and thus commit joe jobs.
       'Nuf said?

That is understandable, all people can't manage their anger.

Backscatter still is no SPAM.

I beg your pardon? If it is back scatter of spam then it fits all
three of the criteria for spam: unsolicited, commercial, email. And
since the "commercial" portion is optional, as in the phish email
spam, the mere fact that it is unsolicited and it is email makes it
spam. If you insist on bulk being in there it becomes bulk because
of the other idiots (perhaps like you) who facilitate backscatter

Have a despicable day, since that is the way you seem to like it.

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