Arne Hoffmann wrote:
> Emmanuel Lesouef wrote:
>> describe LOCAL_DEMONSTRATION_RULE       This is a simple test rule
>> The problem is that the rule doesn't seems to be parsed.
> Yes, if you want to match 'test' in the Subject, you need a header rule: 
> header      LOCAL_DEMONSTRATION_RULE    /test/
> score       LOCAL_DEMONSTRATION_RULE    1.000
> describe    LOCAL_DEMONSTRATION_RULE    This is a simple test rule

First, Arne, that header rule is invalid, you forgot to specify what
header to match.

If you want to match subject headers, but not the body:

header  LOCAL_DEMONSTRATION_RULE  Subject =~ /test/

If you wanted to match all headers

Second, body rules *WILL* match the subject line of a message. Therefore
you do NOT need a header rule. (99.9% of body rules are looking for
common message text that could appear in either the body or the subject.
Rather than forcing the ruleset to be doubled-up with both body and
subject rules looking for the same text, body rules were made to match both)

Finally, Emmanuel's real probem is that he didn't restart amavis after
modifying his

Anyone using spamd, or a tool like amavis that uses the perl API, will
need to restart it in order for to be re-parsed.

This has the positive side-effect of letting you run spamassassin --lint
on your rules after editing them before they "go live", but the real
purpose is to save the overhead of constantly checking or re-reading
this file.

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