David Robson wrote:
> Hi,
> My site runs spamassassin.  Our ISP runs a spam checker, that adds an
> X-header to our email of the form
> X-Spam-Bar: ###############
> where the number of hashes indicate the likelihood of spam.  I have
> written
> a rule for our spamassassin, which makes use of this X-header, so I can
> make use of both spam checkers.  This has worked well and reliably for
> a number of years, until we upgraded from  spamassassin 2.60 to
> spamassassin 3.1.9
> Although all our other local rules work, this one no longer has any
> affect.
> It looks as if the "header" rules for version 3.1.9 no longer work on
> X-headers, although they did in version 2.60
> Can anyone confirm this, and can anyone suggest a work around??  All
> help gratefully received.
It should work just fine.

Two questions:

1) have you run spamassassin --lint after your upgrade? It could be that
SA is choking on your config file further up and ditching it.

2) where is this declared? user_prefs, or a *.cf file in your site rules

3) if user_prefs, do you use spamd? Do you have allow_user_rules set to
1 at the site rules level?

> Dave
> The rule in question is ....
> header DWR X-Spam-Bar =~ /\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#/i
> describe DWR Contains: Spam detected by our ISP
> score    DWR 5.50
Looks perfectly fine to me.


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