On Thu, 2007-06-28 at 16:32 -0500, Michael Parker wrote:
> I can't recall a bug open for anything like this.  Please visit
> http://issues.apache.org/SpamAssassin/ and file a complete bug report.
> Please describe the exact problem you are seeing as well as full debug
> output.  A random thread on the users list won't necessarily get
> developers attention.

I'm currently doing what Eray Aslan suggested and backversioning MySQL
to 5.0.40 and upversioning to SA 3.2.1-r1 and I'll see if the problem
persists there.  That'll tell a lot.  I'll then upgrade MySQL again and
see if that makes any difference.

> The developers are not aware of such a problem, best bet is to make them
> aware.

I'll see what I can do.

> I myself have been using Bayes SQL longer than anyone and have had no
> problems recently upgrading from 3.1.8 to 3.2.  Also, the Bayes code has
> been very stable, with little to no changes over the last few releases,
> especially in the storage code, so its likely a config or environment issue.
> Without proper debugging it will be hard to tell what exactly is the cause.

Well my original post asked for some suggestions on how best to do this,
so specific suggestions will be welcome.

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