Just a thought - what if we had some central servers for real time reporting where the SA rule hits and scores were reported in real time for some sort of live scoring or analysis or dynamic adjusting? Just thinking out loud here.

Something I've wanted to see for about 4 years now; ie: as long as I've been using SA. You could think of it as a super mass-check in realtime.

There are arguments that large hosting companies wouldn't let the data out because it woudl compromise their mail stream. That would of course be true if the sent the mail. If they just send the cumulative scores over the last hour or whatever I don't see that being true; although doubtless some would still consider that to be the case and wouldn't send it.

However, I'd bet that enough info would arive from all parts of the globe to be able to do weekly or maybe even every few hours rescoring runs and publish new scores, pretty much like the virus guys publish new signatures pretty quickly.

There is the question of how to integrate the new scores with local rescoring, and even with local rules that were scored based on the original score of the stock rules.

I think there are a half-dozen solutions to this that would be moderately easy to implement. The most obvious would be sending score updates either in the form of a multiplier or an adder to the original rule score rather than as a raw score; this would preserve local overrides while still adjusting the score to match daily hit rates. (Don't bother me with the obvious point of adjusting zeroed scores off of zero. That is an exception that simply has to be handled in the score readjustment; it isn't a concept-breaker.)

If the rescoring client at a site wanted to be fancy, it could even send an optional email to the mail admin telling him that some local rule is bad for his health or that some zeroed rule has now become useful and should be unzeroed. Or the like.


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