On Tue, 3 Jul 2007, Jonathan Allen wrote:

I just tried to reply to a kind soul that had offered some help with the
3.2.1 root errors and got:

  ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----
   (reason: 554 <mailgate.barumtrading.co.uk[]>: Client host 
rejected: Polish Spammer)

  ----- Transcript of session follows -----
... while talking to mail.cobatco.com.:
<<< 554 <mailgate.barumtrading.co.uk[]>: Client host rejected: 
Polish Spammer
554 5.0.0 Service unavailable
<<< 554 Error: no valid recipients

I am neither a spammer, nor in Poland but a legitimate UK business with
the same IP address for some years.  Where on earth did this response come
from ?  It's a bit thick to get branded as a spammer when replying to
someone from this list!

Well, if somebody trusts in RBLs and rejects mail basing only upon RBL queries... This IP is not in Poland, even RIPE whois database would confirm this fact. Biggest Polish ADSL provider uses some of 83.x classes, so that could be the problem, but it's no reason for some some dumb soul to insert whole 83.x subnet into the RBL... Maybe he should put and have spam problem 'solved'. :)
Michał Jęczalik, +48.603.64.62.97
INFONAUTIC, +48.33.487.69.04

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