
We are trying to upgrade from 3.1.0 on SLES9 using spamd. I have viewed
the install notes and downloaded the zip. Extracted and CD'd to that new
SA dir. Followed these install instructions:
[unzip/untar the archive]
        cd Mail-SpamAssassin-*
        perl Makefile.PL
        [option: add -DSPAMC_SSL to $CFLAGS to build an SSL-enabled spamc]
        make install                            [as root]
On the first step, i get these required errors:
ERROR: the required HTML::Parser (version 3.43) module is installed,
but is not an up-to-date version. at
lib/Mail/SpamAssassin/Util/DependencyInfo.pm line 293, <STDIN> line 1.

  HTML is used for an ever-increasing amount of email so this dependency
  is unavoidable.  Run "perldoc -q html" for additional information.

Followed by a host of other "warnings":
NOTE: the optional Mail::SPF module is not installed.

  Used to check DNS Sender Policy Framework (SPF) records to fight email
  address forgery and make it easier to identify spams.  (This is preferred
  over Mail::SPF::Query.)

NOTE: the optional Mail::SPF::Query module is not installed.

  Used to check DNS Sender Policy Framework (SPF) records to fight email
  address forgery and make it easier to identify spams.  (Mail::SPF is
  preferred instead of this module.)

NOTE: the optional IP::Country module is not installed.

  Used by the RelayCountry plugin (not enabled by default) to determine
  the domain country codes of each relay in the path of an email.

NOTE: the optional Net::Ident module is not installed.

  If you plan to use the --auth-ident option to spamd, you will need
  to install this module.

NOTE: the optional IO::Socket::INET6 module is not installed.

  This is required if the first nameserver listed in your IP
  configuration or /etc/resolv.conf file is available only via
  an IPv6 address.

NOTE: the optional IO::Socket::SSL module is not installed.

  If you wish to use SSL encryption to communicate between spamc and
  spamd (the --ssl option to spamd), you need to install this
  module. (You will need the OpenSSL libraries and use the
  ENABLE_SSL="yes" argument to Makefile.PL to build and run an SSL
  compatibile spamc.)

NOTE: the optional Mail::DomainKeys module is not installed.

  If this module is installed, and you enable the DomainKeys plugin,
  SpamAssassin will perform Domain Key lookups when Domain Key
  information is present in the message headers.  (Note that new versions
  of Mail::DKIM render this module superfluous.)

NOTE: the optional Mail::DKIM module is not installed.

  If this module is installed, and you enable the DKIM plugin,
  SpamAssassin will perform DKIM lookups when a DKIM-Signature
  header is present in the message headers.  (New versions of this module
  support both Domain Keys and DKIM, rendering Mail::DomainKeys obsolete.)

NOTE: the optional LWP::UserAgent module is not installed.

  The "sa-update" script requires this module to make HTTP requests.

NOTE: the optional HTTP::Date module is not installed.

  The "sa-update" script requires this module to make HTTP
  If-Modified-Since GET requests.

NOTE: the optional Archive::Tar (version 1.23) module is not installed.

  The "sa-update" script requires this module to access tar update
  archive files.

NOTE: the optional IO::Zlib (version 1.04) module is not installed.

  The "sa-update" script requires this module to access compressed
  update archive files.

NOTE: the optional Encode::Detect module is not installed.

  If you plan to use the normalize_charset config setting to detect
  charsets and convert them into Unicode, you will need to install
  this module.

REQUIRED module out of date: HTML::Parser
optional module missing: Mail::SPF
optional module missing: Mail::SPF::Query
optional module missing: IP::Country
optional module missing: Net::Ident
optional module missing: IO::Socket::INET6
optional module missing: IO::Socket::SSL
optional module missing: Mail::DomainKeys
optional module missing: Mail::DKIM
optional module missing: LWP::UserAgent
optional module missing: HTTP::Date
optional module missing: Archive::Tar
optional module missing: IO::Zlib
optional module missing: Encode::Detect

Well, you could start by running "perl -MCPAN -e shell" from the
command line, or visiting www.cpan.org, in order to download these
In the first case, simply issuing something like "install
HTML::Parser" at the perl prompt, would do the trick and install the
module. You could procede this way further, or download and install
the modules one at the time, as you did with Spam Assassin.
Or, you could try and use YAsT to download and install the
corresponding SuSe RPMs (BTW, IO::Socket::INET6 and IO::Socket::SSL
aren't needed if you don't use SSL or IPv6)

First upgrade and istall the needed modules, then procede again with
perl Makefile.PL and further.

warning: some functionality may not be available,
please read the above report before continuing!

Can someone see what i am doing wrong? When i run the "make" command, i
get this:
make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop



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