Ok, so the word is that the telia link is saturated with traffic from the ddos yet.. I'd like some traceroutes to www.rulesemporium.com for anyone that is having problems.

# traceroute www.rulesemporium.com
traceroute to www.rulesemporium.com (, 30 hops max, 40 byte 
 1  a004001.kcc.state.ks.us (  0.437 ms   0.099 ms   0.106 ms
 2  0.763 ms   0.813 ms   0.746 ms
 3  0.870 ms   0.677 ms   0.780 ms
 4  1.032 ms   1.149 ms   0.929 ms
 5  2.071 ms   1.563 ms   2.457 ms
 6  2.441 ms   2.306 ms   2.260 ms
 7  wsip-68-106-191-61.ks.ok.cox.net (  3.365 ms   3.314 ms   
3.614 ms
 8  ip70-183-65-49.ks.ks.cox.net (  11.048 ms   10.998 ms   12.317 
 9  wichdsrj01-ge704.0.rd.ks.cox.net (  12.517 ms   15.284 ms   
14.833 ms
10  mtc3dsrj02-ge710.0.rd.ok.cox.net (  23.132 ms   22.519 ms   
23.396 ms
11 ae-2-52.bbr2.Chicago1.Level3.net ( 57.604 ms ae-2-56.bbr2.Chicago1.Level3.net ( 55.696 ms ae-2-52.bbr2.Chicago1.Level3.net ( 53.787 ms
12  as-1-0.mp1.Miami1.Level3.net (  85.394 ms   85.578 ms   85.523 ms
13  so-6-0-0.gar1.Miami1.Level3.net (  85.479 ms   84.752 ms 
so-7-0-0.gar1.Miami1.Level3.net (  79.211 ms
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