jdow wrote:
From: "Daryl C. W. O'Shea" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

jdow wrote:
From: "Loren Wilton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Mike Grau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 07/09/07 5:15 PM >>>
On 07/09/2007 04:01 PM the voices made Joe Zitnik write:
I can't get here:
Is rulesemporium having issues again?

I can rarely get there (via a browser). So rarely the site is almost useless.

I've been having intermittent issues getting there from home for a
while.  Last time it happened, the site was down.  I still can't get

Hum. I just tried again, and didn't have any problems this time either.
Guess I'm lucky.


As I said, we use a trick that makes the fetches work. It does not get
us tarred by the DoS filter. So access to the web site is really easy.
I also check "when I feel like it" rather than hourly as I've heard some
"people" work. Weekly is more than enough unless you see a notification
here. I got annoyed at the failed fetch one day and looked at the logs I
make. I saw the timeout errors. I worked to eliminate them. Why whine when
you can fix it, eh love?


The errors have nothing to do with the DoS protection, but saturated links. The insertion of a few seconds of delay between queries, or a 20 minute delay in my case, will do nothing to resolve the issue.

It fixed it like magic here and since then I've never seen a problem.

Go figure.

I've figured. I've even rubbed my head against every network engineering degree, diploma and certificate that I've got laying around and the best that I have come up with is the crazy idea that it's possible that not every link to Prolexic is suffering from periodic saturation.

Go figure.


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