Michele Neylon :: Blacknight wrote:
Philip Prindeville wrote:
We're seeing a lot of unwanted attempts to relay traffic through our site by Orange.fr, and we've reported this to their Abuse contact as well as their upstream provider (rain.fr):

Jul 11 11:30:37 mail mimedefang.pl[31610]: relay: bad tld orange.fr
Jul 11 11:30:37 mail mimedefang.pl[31610]: filter_relay rejected host (smtp-wifi.orange.fr) Jul 11 11:30:37 mail sendmail[32044]: l6BHUb3j032044: Milter: connect: host=smtp-wifi.orange.fr, addr=, rejecting commands

No joy.

How long ago did you report it?

Which time?  It happens regularly, and it's been going on over a month.


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