Hm, according to the manpage, this doesn't remove HTML tags and it's
matched line by line, so checking for a visually empty message isn't an
easy job here. I guess for such advanced tests like whether a message is
empty or not, I'll need to learn Perl and create my own function (or
plugin) for it. :(

Or has anybody a quick measure agains empty mails with "Invoice #0000"
in the subject and only a PDF attached?

You want empty body other than the subject line? I think there is an EMPTY_BODY rule already, or something very similar to that. Also I believe rules that fire on various amounts of body text.

However, you could probably do something like the following. This is UNTESTED, and I may have the /m and /s options wrong to make it really work correctly. But possibly something along the lines:

body    EMPTYNESS    /^Subject[^\n]{0,150}[\n\s]{1,500}$/im


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