JT DeLys wrote:

> sorry, i'm a little confused ...
> iiuc, the fix applies -- at least -- to the NON-svn release.
> but does it ALSO apply to the svn co? is it needed there?
> currently, i have:
>    svn up
>        At revision 132.
> but, still have 'just'
>    grep -i posix FuzzyOcr.pm
>       use POSIX;
> not the advised,
>       use POSIX qw(SIGTERM);

It depends on the versions you have, both FuzzyOcr and perl.

The "use POSIX" is  what FO 3.5.1 currently has, and it works fine with perl
5.8.7 and 5.8.8, but from my experience, it didn't work with 5.8.6 so I needed
to add the "use POSIX qw(SIGTERM)" ... but don't make much of what I say, the
SIGTERM part reminds me of another problem, with signals, and it may have
nothing to do with the redefinition of O_CREAT/O_RDWR/etc. (that's why I
included the reference, so you can read the whole thread on the bug report).
René Berber

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